Marriage Relationship Relationship Coaching
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Rough patches here and there in a relationship are normal. Whether married or not, couples fix them and get past them. However, major issues can put your marriage at risk of breaking off. This article will talk about 15 signs your marriage will end in divorce. 

But these signs don’t necessarily mean that a marriage WILL always end in divorce. Upon realising these signs in their early stage, partners can work them out together and save their marriage. If the partners are willing to try and change their outlook toward each other and the marriage, there’s no room for divorce.

However, if your marriage isn’t at its best right now, and you have tried everything to save your marriage, a break or separation can also work before you decide on divorce. It’ll give you some perspective on how you wish to move further.

15 Signs Your Marriage Will End In Divorce

  1. Infidelity: 

Some people view emotional infidelity as the biggest issue in their marriage. Physical infidelity is the deal-breaker. Depending on how couples view the severity of infidelity, their marriage will end in divorce without the willingness to work through it. However, chronic infidelity can be difficult to move on from. Because if your partner is in the habit of cheating, it’s doubtful they will change. 

  1. Drifting apart:

Another apparent sign that your marriage will end in divorce is that you have grown apart from your partner. Your worldviews are completely different. The fundamental values you believe in are poles apart. There’s a lack of sense of acceptance and understanding between you. We are allowed to have varying interests and hobbies. Naturally, two people are different and may have their interests so you do not HAVE to love everything your partner likes but when it comes down to the fundamental core of lifestyles. I think this may be where things get complicated. You grow distant from each other because nothing can be shared between you.

  1. Constant Unhappiness:

Do you feel a lingering unhappiness in your marriage? Despite having a wonderful life with family and a good home, if you wake up feeling miserable every day and want to change your life, the marriage is at risk of a divorce. Not a single soul should ever remain in a relationship that does not contribute to your mental & emotional health. While I believe there are multiple reasons why a partner may not be happy in a marriage, I would also urge you to look for constant sadness or disappointment looming over your relationship. If you feel an active lack of happiness, it’s clear that you may need to make an out. 

  1. Mental Health Issues:

Well, the list could go on but — depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder behaviour issues- and many more, can adversely affect a marriage. Overlooking these mental and psychological issues and downplaying the impact of them on the marriage will eventually result in the couple drifting apart and a divorce. 

  1. Partner is a narcissist: 

Is your partner a narcissist? Take this quiz or encourage your partner to take it to understand if narcissism exists in you or them. Essentially, being a narcissist means that they lack empathy, have an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep desire for attention and admiration, are sufficed by troubled relationships, and are blinded by the urge to control everything and everyone including their partner. 

If you are a narcissist or married to one, it’s one of the primary signs your marriage will end in divorce. We generally hear or read that narcissists never change. While that may be true in many cases, a person recognising these traits can reach out to a mental health provider or doctor to improve their life. 

  1. Same fights and arguments: 

If you and your partner are having the same fights and arguments over and over again, cannot communicate and navigate through a situation with different words and ways, and are unable to come to a common ground and fight the root cause of the argument, it’s a sign that your marriage is doomed. Or at least, you may need to see a licensed marriage and family therapist. 

The arguments and fights can be as big as the parenting style of both the parents and as small as where to eat dinner. Either way, if your conversation never seems to move through a respectful trajectory, it is a blaring sign your marriage will soon end in divorce. 

Additional Reading: How to fix a toxic relationship- 101

  1. Mismatched Libido: 

Your partner may like it every night a week, and you may be too tired to even think of it. Some fantasies are involved, and you may want to try out new things but your partner is content with what they have right now. Something works for you in the bedroom, whereas your partner is not comfortable with it. These are very valid and important grounds for a marriage to go downhill. It may also mean that your partner is pushing you to do things you’re not okay with or violating your boundaries when you’ve said no. This can mean that you feel disrespected or forced- a big problem for the marriage. 

Additional Reading: Understanding the Lack of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage 101!

  1. Sexless Marriage: 

It’s normal for sexual attraction to wane over the years in a marriage. We are not talking about intimacy here. But if you are experiencing a complete lack of sex in your marriage, then it can pose a problem for the marriage. Sexlessness in a marriage is an unmistakable sign your marriage will end in divorce unless you both have decided to forgo sex and flourish in emotional intimacy. 

Lack of sex is undoubtedly one of the huge reasons for divorce, but your marriage doesn’t have to end. Consultation with a sex therapist, willingness to work through it, and to recognise and treat any sexual health issues can help save the relationship. 

Additional Reading: When to Walk Away from Sexless Marriage

  1. Loneliness

Despite being in a relationship, you can feel lonely for various reasons. Although it’s impossible for your partner to always be there with you, their lack of attention towards you, incuriosity, understanding and validation of your feelings can make you feel lonely, unwanted, and neglected. Loneliness takes a toll on your emotional and mental health. 

  1. Being a parent: 

You want a child(ren), and your partner doesn’t. Having kids can make some people realise that they don’t enjoy being a parent. They might feel imprisoned by the responsibility of bringing up a child. They may grow resentful towards their children and may want next to nothing to do with the kids. Simultaneously, the other parent may get wary of their partner’s behaviour or choice of life. These become legitimate grounds for a divorce.

  1. Addiction:

People may be addicted to various things- drugs, alcohol, work, gambling, etc. The problems heighten when your addiction begins to impact your partner’s life and the health of the marriage. You may not be ready to seek help, or the help may not work. Either way, it’s a warning sign for the marriage because it’s affecting not just you but your partner’s life and the whole relationship.

  1. Abuse:

Physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse qualify as domestic violence. It is inhumane and barbaric for someone to live in a relationship where they are being abused. If you feel you are being abused in any manner, you can call the domestic violence support hotline, according to the country you’re living in. In such cases, it’s best to leave the marriage.

  1. Blaming each other:

Partners who blame one another for everything and anything that goes wrong in their lives or the marriage are most likely to get apart. Because, one, they can’t tolerate each other’s presence. Secondly, they focus on blaming each other instead of resolving their issues. Lastly, they see nothing good in one another because there’s so much unaddressed resentment and intolerance.

This is one of the biggest signs your marriage will end in divorce. However, if you both are willing to work on it, you can consult a marriage counsellor or therapist who can help you recognise the patterns and overcome unresolved issues with the right way of communication and other exercises.

  1. You want the marriage to end:

Your marriage is at risk if you are thinking of ways for your marriage to end. You are unhappy and no longer wish to stay with your spouse. If you are already plotting ways to leave, a divorce is inevitable.

  1. Kids are the reason:

Some people stay in the marriage for the kids. Because having kids can make seeking divorce particularly difficult. You may think you are in the marriage because of the kids, but you should remember that kids understand more from their family environment than we give them credit for. If there are constant fights at home and the two of you are still sticking with each other, you need to remind yourself your fights also impact your children. And a divorce may be better for their mental health.

Having said all this, there are plenty of other reasons for a marriage to end in divorce:

Sexual exploration:

You or your partner may be exploring your sexuality either with each other or separately. While exploring sexually can be fun and healthy in a marriage, it may be bigger for some. You may not want to stay with your partner anymore because you find yourself attracted to people of other sex. If the two of you feel comfortable and compatible with the idea of sexual exploration outside the marriage and can open your relationship, then it doesn’t have to end in a divorce. You can discuss with your partner how to include your sexuality in the marriage, or you both can part ways.

You don’t care anymore:

You and your partner have stopped fighting or arguing altogether. You don’t want to explain yourself to your partner and don’t look for any explanations from them. Both of you don’t care about one another’s whereabouts and have completely lost interest in each other. A divorce, in such cases, is only a matter of time. Because you both seem to have withdrawn instead of expressing your feelings.