Gynesexual: Everything You Need to Know about it!
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It’s now important that we address the elephant in the room: Gynesexuality.  

Despite a need for a discussion, people often find themselves fleeing from talks surrounding the types of sexual orientations. 

Read- Different types of Sexualities Explained.

We must applaud those efforts that have ensured there is some degree of liberty and tolerance towards different sexual orientations. 

But, there is still room for improvement because a sizeable majority still prefers heterosexual relationships – sex and love between a man and a woman. 

Right from childhood, it has been ingrained in our minds about what defines gender and sexuality. And many a time, gender identity and sexual orientation are considered one.

Read- FAQs- LGBTQIA Community

Our society, to date, promotes a binary view because anything that deviates from this school of thought is stigmatised as unnatural. But here, we shall break myths regarding sexualities and gender identities.

In this article, we will speak about gynesexuality and who are the people identifying themselves as gynesexuals.

LGBT to LGBTQIA: Where do Gynesexuals stand?

It is undeniable that things are transitioning towards a better place where people can freely express their sexuality. LGBT is gradually turning into LGBTQIA, illustrating how there are several other identities apart from trans, bisexual, etc. 

Understanding sexual orientation:

Let us understand the term sexual orientation from a noted authority, the American Psychological Association. They expand the definition of Sexual Orientation as follows:

“One’s sexual orientation defines the group of people in which one is likely to find satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationships that are an essential component of personal identity for many people.”

American Psychological Association

Society’s definition of sexual orientation has been relatively narrow for quite some time because it was either heterosexual or homosexual. 

But psychologists and experts have pointed out that sexual orientation could mean various things to different people. They can be broken into two large groups on a broader scale, namely monosexual and unisexual. 

Monosexuals, on the one hand, are attracted to one gender, either theirs or a different one, whereas polysexual are attracted to many different genders. 

But this is just a summary, talking about types of sexual orientations, there are several types which include: 

  • Androsexual
  • Aromantic
  • Asexual
  • Bisexual
  • Gnysexual
  • Heterosexual and many more. 

Also, Read- What It Means To Be Asexual: Tips For Those In A Relationship!

Gender identity vs Sexual orientation:

Sexual orientation is about who you are sexually attracted to, but gender identity is a different ball game altogether. 

Also, Read- Signs You Might Be an Autosexual; Attracted to Yourself

It describes whether you are male, female, transgender, or someone else. So it is clear that, unlike sexual orientation, gender identity has nothing to do with any sexual desire. You can be a male who likes other males. Or you can be born a female but identify yourself as a non-binary and have a relationship with a female.

Both the terms are diametrically opposite and are not related to each other. 

Some people have misconceptions, many people assume that transgender people may also be gay. But that’s not the case but rather a deviation from reality. 

Gender identity should be separated from sexual orientation, and it is an important distinction to understand. 

Sadly, gender identity is drilled into us right from our birth. Parents tend to segregate genders in pink and blue right from when they have babies. 

Being a girl, you are gifted dolls and dollhouses, whereas boys get cars and guns. These are nothing but expressions of gender roles that later grow to become a significant part later on in life.

So, what’s Gynesexual anyway?

We understand several types of sexual orientations, but Gynesexual has always been a confounding area. Therefore, we will focus on this segment because clarity is everything. 

A gynesexual is a person who is emotionally and physically attracted to females. A gynesexual is both romantically and sexually drawn towards females to be much more straightforward. 

While lesbians could be cited as an example of a gynesexual, this type of sexual orientation includes anyone attracted to women irrespective of their gender. 

It is all about strong sexual attraction to female anatomy, particularly breasts and vagina, and femininity. So lesbians and straight men are gynesexual, but there’s more to it. 

To cut a long story short, a person who is gynesexual could be attracted to the physical attributes connected with femininity. This includes breasts, long hair, curves, or genitalia. 

Another view is that they can get attracted to non-physical feminine qualities regardless of gender.

The person doesn’t have to be female.

Yes, it is true!

If you’re attracted to the above-discussed qualities in a partner, you have to keep in mind that your partner does not have to be born female. 

A gynesexual could be attracted even to a transgender person born male and transitioned to female later. On the other hand, they could be born male and still biologically remain male. 

Also, read- Hormone therapy for Transgender: Breast Enlargement

.However, if they are gynesexual, they can still get attracted if they showcase non-physical feminine qualities. 

One can be attracted to even ideas of femininity differently, both emotionally and physically. So for one to be proclaimed as a gynesexual, it is about how you’re attracted to other women. 

For instance, you can be severely attracted to a regular woman who oozes feminine qualities without falling for her body.

Why is Gynesexual an empowering term?

The term gynesexual is excellent because it helps people fit in a place that does not limit them, like being bisexual or heterosexual. 

There are lesser limitations regarding your sexuality and the person you’re attracted to. For example, as someone who identifies themselves as genderqueer, the term gynesexual helps them find their true identity. 

To be defined and identified as a gynesexual is empowering because it gives them the feeling of being a part of the larger society, especially when other labels do not seem fit. 

Attraction is a complex affair because sexuality is never static. One can grow up liking men only to settle with a woman for life. Sexuality, over the years, can change and the person you have been with for years doesn’t define your sexuality.

It all boils down to people acting on what they believe and being open to different ideas with few judgments to box you in. 

Gynesexuality is beyond any gender. 

A person who is gynesexual has an attraction to others who show feminine traits regardless of the gender given at birth.